Tabetha Webb Doyle

Breeder's Address:   179 Sanderson road

Breeder's City:   Mercer

Breeder's State:   tennessee

Kennel Name:   Ravenwood Rare Dachshund

Breeder's Email Address:   Na

Breeder's Phone Number:   Many

Breeder Website

USDA #:   Na

How did you find your breeder?   other

If found through a broker's website, which one?   puppyfind

Found through other Broker Website:   HOOBLY

If found through social media, which one?:   none_of_the_above

Puppy Information

Date of Purchase:   2020-10-16

Breed:   Dachshund

Age:   Over a year

How was your puppy delivered to you?   met_in_a_parking_lot

Would the breeder let you meet the mother dog?   no

Would the breeder let you see where all of his dogs live?   no

How many breeding dogs did the breeder have?   100 or more

Was your puppy healthy?   no

Did you receive the correct puppy?   no

Did your puppy come with vet records?   no

Did your puppy come with a health guarantee?   no

Would you purchase a puppy from this breeder again?   no

Breeder Rating:   1

Additional Comments

Tabetha Webb Doyle is a dog breeder who is connected to George Doyle and Sandra Webb. They were running a large scale puppy mill in Madison county Tennessee. Do not buy puppies from these scammers.