Jasper Ranch Rottweilers

Breeder's Address:   3224 30th St

Breeder's City:   Long Island City, NY 11106

Breeder's State:   new_york

Breeder's Phone Number:   (646)676-0690

How did you find your breeder?   website

If found through a broker's website, which one?   american_kennel_club

If found through social media, which one?:   none_of_the_above

Puppy Information

Date of Purchase:   2020-12-21

Breed:   Rottweiler

Age:   2

How was your puppy delivered to you?   met_in_a_parking_lot

Would the breeder let you meet the mother dog?   no

   Additional Comments:   Wouldn't share pictures either

Would the breeder let you see where all of his dogs live?   no

   Additional Comments:   Wouldn't share pictures either

Did the breeder list other breeders for sale?    yes

   Additional Comments:   AKC

How many breeding dogs did the breeder have?   IDK

Was your puppy healthy?   no

   Additional Comments:   Giardia, kennel couch, displasia

Did you receive the correct puppy?   yes

   Additional Comments:   I guess? I received A puppy.

Did your puppy come with vet records?   yes

Did your puppy come with a health guarantee?   yes

   Additional Comments:   Not fully honored

Would you purchase a puppy from this breeder again?   no

Breeder Rating:   1

Additional Comments

My experience with Jasper Ranch Rottweilers:

* Would not share pictures of our puppy before we picked him up.

* Would not show us the area where the puppy was kept.

* Puppy came home with giardia & kennel cough. Took 3 months to cure the giardia. Breeder said that these things happen (puppies get sick) but the vet says it’s an indicator of the conditions the puppies were kept in.

* He has always had diarrhea. We put him through a full allergy panel & everything. Had to pay to have lots of stool samples analyzed. This has improved after about 2 years, but still happens frequently.

* Puppy was later diagnosed with dysplasia (moderate left, mild right) by regular vet & confirmed by a specialist (x-rays, etc.), the puppy was 8 months old. Breeder insisted that they were “growing pains” & that “he’ll grow out of it.” Had continued to call them “growing pains” for months during our conversations.

* I asked the breeder for some reimbursement pursuant to the fact that the dog was sick & had a congenital (arguably terminal) condition. He was totally prepared to offer an exchange for the took I spent so much time raising, but wasn’t interested is offering any reimbursement — makes sense, any decent person will have a hard time trading their beloved puppy away because he’s sick, this of course works in the breeder’s favor.

* The breeder agreement said I have a right to breed the dog, he cannot be bred due to his dysplasia.

* Breeder finally agreed to provide some reimbursement for the cost of the dog. Paid a fraction, then continued to make excuses for an entire YEAR. To this date, I have still only received a fraction & gotten lots of excuses.

My dog is discouraged from running, playing with other dogs, & playing fetch. I have to look at him everyday, seeing him limp, & knowing that he will probably die early from his dysplasia &/or require thousands of dollars in surgery to extend his life. We spent a lot of money diagnosing these issues. His treatment for dysplasia is about $100/mon.

That said, choose this breeder if you want, but don’t say you weren’t warned. Feel free to contact me for more information. They are a scam.