Chips Labs

Breeder Information

Breeder's Name:   Cindy Kirkpatrick

Breeder's City:   Tazewell

Breeder's State:   virginia

Kennel Name:   Chips Labs

Breeder's Email Address:

Breeder's Phone Number:   (276) 988-5725

Breeder Website

How did you find your breeder?   website

If found through a broker's website, which one?   none_of_the_above

If found through social media, which one?:   facebook

Puppy Information

Date of Purchase:   2024-06-26

Breed:   Labrador Retriever

Age:   5 months

How was your puppy delivered to you?   other

Other Delivery Method:   friend of mine picked up their pup

Would the breeder let you meet the mother dog?   yes

Would the breeder let you see where all of his dogs live?   no

   Additional Comments:   unk

Did the breeder list other breeders for sale?    no

   Additional Comments:   unk

How many breeding dogs did the breeder have?   A LOT

Was your puppy healthy?   yes

Did you receive the correct puppy?   yes

   Additional Comments:   Although the post said 3 month old, and the pup was actually 5 months

Did your puppy come with vet records?   no

Did your puppy come with a health guarantee?   yes

Would you purchase a puppy from this breeder again?   no

Breeder Rating:   1

Additional Comments

Chips Labs : Did my research on this so called breeder. Unethical unethical UNETHICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!! First of all, there is no such thing in the AKC as “miniature” Labs.. Second, just because the lab is chubby does NOT mean it is of English decent… Build alone does not categorize a Labrador retriever. Genetics and lineage do. English and American (field) labradors are genetically different animals. Any reputable breeder knows that.. Most importantly if you look through the Facebook posts utilizing the search option at the top of their facebook page… and search different dams and sires names as I did, you will see that the breeder has been inbreeding these poor dogs for YEARS…. If you look on the website you will see that Pearl and Yukon have the same Sires and yet they’ve been bred together… Recently it was brought to my attention that Pearl and Legend were the dam/sire to Joy.. then she bred JOY and Legend (HER FATHER)… And the list goes on and on and on… No wonder they stopped providing Pedigree’s on their website!!!! because all of their recent pairings would all show CLEAR INCEST!!!!!!! The Facebook reviews are positive, it appears all the dogs have great temperaments. but it is only a matter of time until the inbreeding causes extreme health concerns.. No ethical breeder would do such a thing.. An ethical breeder would also show any and all pedigrees, genetic/health tests, etc on their website or page which this breeder does not… There are plenty of reputable breeders out there, especially for the Labrador retriever. I cannot urge you all enough to stay away from this breeder or risk suffering the heartache of having a genetically unsound puppy with a laundry list of potential health issues due to the unethical and downright disgusting amount of incest breeding taking place.. Shame on this breeder.. I’m not sure how the vet doesn’t catch these things.. or if they do not care then shame on them as well. I cannot believe this person has been selling dogs for as long as they have.. Please do not give them your business. Look elsewhere for a healthy pup. God Bless